Tuesday, February 9, 2010

5 Things Super Bowl

1. Its with a heavy heart that I comment on the Super Bowl. I just got done watching The Who's half time performance on YouTube. I missed the performance in real time because I was en route to my second stop of the evening. I wish I could say I enjoyed it. I absolutely love The Who. The band's Live at Leeds Deluxe Edition with the Tommy album played in it's entirety is my favorite live recording of all time. To know that only four people created that sound on stage is absolutely mind-blowing. Having said that, The Who's half time performance reminded me of my own mortality. If one of the most bone-crushing live bands of all time (they murdered, wrote a eulogy, and buried the Beatles when it came to performance) could become what I saw on Sunday, then we're all screwed. Thanks Super Bowl! Thank you for absolutely ruining my perception of one of the greatest rock acts of all time.

Please watch this video of The Who in their heyday, absolutely annihilating the song Young Man Blues. It should do a good job of erasing the Super Bowl's attempt at destroying them.

2. Tim Tebow's commercial proved to me the that modern day American culture is a reason to drink heavily. If Tim and I shared a meal (I'd prefer beer, but he doesn't drink) we would probably disagree on just about everything political, but I found the commercial perfectly acceptable. Maybe Tim Tebow is even better than we thought, maybe he really is a revolutionary. Think of it, an America who feels strongly about what he believes in and communicates it while not acting irrationally, suing someone, screaming liar, communist, or (gasp) stupid! I can think of about, I don't know, 100 million people or so that can learn from this guy.

3. The Saints kicked and recovered an on-sides kick and Peyton Manning blew the game with an interception, that is the long end and short of the sports story here. Analysts can talk about defensive schemes, blown routes, game plans etc., but at the end of the day, a Saints risk paid off and a top-ten quarterback made a crucial mistake. That crucial mistake caused for what I thought, was one of the more interesting aspects of the Super Bowl, the post-game interview. Peyton Manning's responses: (paraphrasing) "Disappointed," Sorry for the fans." Some of the greatest restraint in modern day American history. I couldn't handle it, me as Peyton:

Press: "How do you feel right now?"

Me: "How do I feel? I just lost the Super Bowl and found a way to put a giant dent in my legacy as the greatest ever. I wish I was dead, I wish the Saints were dead, I wish you were dead, and I could make it happen too; I am a professional athlete. I could slam a few shots, run you over with my car, serve 24 days in jail, and get a- try out with a team who resides in the town that built said car. I suggest you jot that down, take note, and get out of my way."

4. When Phil Simms does color commentary he sounds like the smart kid in class that raises his hand every five minutes, thoroughly annoying. That is all.

5. New Orleans has to be one of the most fun cities to watch celebrate a Super Bowl victory. I can't imagine what would happen in Cleveland if the Browns ever win a Super Bowl. I don't even think it would be celebratory, it might actually be hard to watch. There of course, would be a moment of euphoria, but then I feel like the whole town would collectively break down and cry. I call it the Extreme Home Makeover effect, you're happy the folks have what they really need, but you change the channel when they give each other a group hug and weep openly.

PCPOTW (Pop Culture Pick of The Week)

I was ready to go to bed after the Super Bowl, but six Diet Cokes disguised as Bud Lights (best commercials of the night) kept me up. I turned on the television and what did I see? A live Clash concert! Henry Rollins once described The Clash as playing each one of their songs like they were "use once and destroy," I couldn't agree more. Every song was absolutely decimated, a desperate sense of urgency never seen before or since. The Clash look like four guys that went AWOL after boot camp and then brought their new found training to rock n roll. I suggest all of their albums and anything you can find on YouTube.

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