Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"Calmer Than You Are"-Big Labowski

What if I were to tell you the following about a basketball team:

1. They have one of the most athletic freaks of all time who has showen the ability to take over a game and do more with less (nothing).

2. The team traded for the most hailed big man in NBA history and he is looking to validate the end of his career. However, this means the offense needs to be completely re-worked.

3. The team signed two athletic wingman that can come off the bench, play defense, and shoot the ball.

4. The team dealt with a bout of the flu during pre-season that severely limited the amount of time the team could jell and introduce the newly acquired players.

5. Going into the season, the head-coach told the media that the team was 2 to 3 weeks away from being a cohesive group ready to perform at a professional level.

Would you freak out about 2 losses at the beginning of the season? One of which to a team favored to win an NBA championship? The other loss to a team with one of the most coveted forwards in 2010 free agent class.

You wouldn't? cool, then don't.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Hes on fire!!" - NBA Jam

The NBA starts back up tonight and I for one am excited. Not just because the only valid sports team in Cleveland plays basketball, but because the league itself has become valid again. L.A, Boston, Cleveland, San Antonio, and Orlando just to name a few. Its like the WWF days of old Hogan, Warrior, Undertaker, and Ric Flair. Too many big names and big games to ignore. San Antonio and Boston will play in the Finals, with San Antonio getting the edge. Not confident in the Cavs bench and this Delonte "Wild" West distraction still not going away. 

5 NBA Things I Look Forward To 

  • 50,000 word weekly essays from Bill Simmons relating obscure Pop Culture references into the world of the NBA. I am still reading his 2007 NBA opening weekend blast, "haven't had time to absorb that one yet." Hows that for pop-culture references. 
  • Skip Bayless calling Lebron James "Prince" every time he fails to live up to the Jordan comparisons. Skip should be extra-old man on the porch grumpy this year after his "Boomer-Sooner or later we'll win a big game" Oklahoma team crashed with Sam Bradford's shoulder. 
  • Kevin Garnett getting super intense for no good reason.  A Tuesday night game in March against the Grizzlies turns into the final scene of  "Hoosiers," raised leg and all. I'm giving the over/under on the amount of times ESPN shows a slow motion close up Garnett dropping an F-bomb on the court at about 276. 
  • Stephen A. Smith screaming..... a lot. I am still under the impression people believe talking louder and saying more = intelligence in this country. I heard him on local radio the other day, speaking on the Big Fat Idiot's attempt to join a group buying the Rams. He said the same thing, loudly, over and over again for about 15 minutes. It was a brutal beat down of sound and opinion, with the same words being bludgeoned again, again, and again. 
  • Knick fans in their homemade Lebron-Knicks jerseys. Oh Knick fan, if Lebron leaves Cleveland there is no value in becoming a Knick, not financially, not culturally, and certainly not if he wants to win championships. They are a horrible, once-great franchise decimated from years of bad management, sound familiar? Not sure what Rachel Nichols will do at ESPN if Lebron James stays in Cleveland and Brett Favre retires, I heard they have an opening for a baseball analyst. 
  • Wondering how no-one got shot during NBA All Star Weekend. Every year, this turns into a low-life convention that ends in a meaningless basketball game. There are still unsolved crimes in Las Vegas from the event held there in 2007. To quote one report from that weekend "I flew in, saw the crowd and flew out the same day." The game is in Dallas this year which makes me think things won't get too out-of control, as I am under the impression most people in the state are armed. 

Monday, October 26, 2009


"Should there be an NFL team in Europe?" Not when there are enough teams currently in the NFL to create three garbage divisions. 

Garbage East 

Garbage West 
Kansas City 
St Louis 

Garbage South 
Tampa Bay 

Thursday, October 22, 2009

"He Makes a Move......He Makes a Move" - Joe Montana Sports Talk Football

I have to congratulate the Cleveland Plain Dealer for their crack team of Buckeye beat writers this season.  There are 475 other obvious points I can make, but I will save my time and give you some real journalism to read right here. 

I find any baseball besides playoff baseball barely tolerable, I am no expert, but I know this is a bad idea. Despite his stay in our nations capitol, I prefer Manny Acta.  He can develop players and trust me, all of the Cleveland Indians need development. John Gruden has proven that some coaches are better with the "mic" than a Mike Linebacker, and I think Bobby Valentine is baseball's equivalent. 

Normally, I find something suspect with most things written by the biased, Boston based media (imagine Bobby "The Brain" Heenan calling a Hulk Hogan/Ric Flair match circa 1992), but this is Jackie McMullan. Ms. McMullan has infinite credibility and can even hang with these knuckleheads who I can't stop listening to. Oh, and by the way, she is one of nations best journalists. Its becoming obvious that Isiah's talent on the court is slowly becoming overshadowed by the court of public opinion. Larry, Magic, and Michael clearly find issue with him and that is enough for me. 

If you haven't seen this, I probably think something is wrong with you. Beg, borrow, and steal to get a copy. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mark It As True

At some point in my life professional sports became serious business. Big business it is, serious business it is not. Fisher apologized and he shouldn't have. Lets calm down Rocky Top, its just a game. 

Tressel needs to balance winning football games and making good on his promise to develop Pryor into a "NFL ready quarterback." High school coaches need to get ready for the state playoffs and do so silently, although Reitz is on to something. Ohio State should build an offense around Pryor, not build Terelle Pryor into an offense. 

That is all

Eleven draft picks in 2010 that will include some real options at Quarterback.  Ten years later the Cleveland Browns have an opportunity to actually "come back to the NFL." However, the confidence level is low among Browns fans who have yet to see a successful draft. When Jerry Jones took over the Dallas Cowboys he re-built the team through draft picks he received for trading Hershel Walker. One can only hope Lerner, Kokinis, and Mangini see similar success. 

Skib Bayless's book, (don't worry I purchased the book used to ensure not a dime fell into the pocket of the biggest sports journalist -heel of all time). The book tells the tale of the Barry Switzer led Cowboys. Bayless is a great writer, with a knack for story-telling. He details the relationship between Jerry Jones, Jimmy Johnson, and Barry Switzer perfectly. Throw in the biggest circus sports franchise of all time and you get a fascinating book. 
