Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mark It As True

At some point in my life professional sports became serious business. Big business it is, serious business it is not. Fisher apologized and he shouldn't have. Lets calm down Rocky Top, its just a game. 

Tressel needs to balance winning football games and making good on his promise to develop Pryor into a "NFL ready quarterback." High school coaches need to get ready for the state playoffs and do so silently, although Reitz is on to something. Ohio State should build an offense around Pryor, not build Terelle Pryor into an offense. 

That is all

Eleven draft picks in 2010 that will include some real options at Quarterback.  Ten years later the Cleveland Browns have an opportunity to actually "come back to the NFL." However, the confidence level is low among Browns fans who have yet to see a successful draft. When Jerry Jones took over the Dallas Cowboys he re-built the team through draft picks he received for trading Hershel Walker. One can only hope Lerner, Kokinis, and Mangini see similar success. 

Skib Bayless's book, (don't worry I purchased the book used to ensure not a dime fell into the pocket of the biggest sports journalist -heel of all time). The book tells the tale of the Barry Switzer led Cowboys. Bayless is a great writer, with a knack for story-telling. He details the relationship between Jerry Jones, Jimmy Johnson, and Barry Switzer perfectly. Throw in the biggest circus sports franchise of all time and you get a fascinating book. 

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I think the Fisher stunt was absolutely hilarious. His comment made it even better..."I just wanted to know what it felt like to be a winner." Priceless. For real though...settle down. It was a charity event and they were having fun. You know what? Go ahead and fire him. If you do, may you end up with a guy like Jim Zorn. Fisher is a flat out winner and is just having a down year. Eric Kasilias put it best when he said if a guy has a history of selling at 200% commission every year and only sells at 50% one year, it's senseless to fire him over the one bad year. That's not the reputation you want to have as a company.

