Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Hes on fire!!" - NBA Jam

The NBA starts back up tonight and I for one am excited. Not just because the only valid sports team in Cleveland plays basketball, but because the league itself has become valid again. L.A, Boston, Cleveland, San Antonio, and Orlando just to name a few. Its like the WWF days of old Hogan, Warrior, Undertaker, and Ric Flair. Too many big names and big games to ignore. San Antonio and Boston will play in the Finals, with San Antonio getting the edge. Not confident in the Cavs bench and this Delonte "Wild" West distraction still not going away. 

5 NBA Things I Look Forward To 

  • 50,000 word weekly essays from Bill Simmons relating obscure Pop Culture references into the world of the NBA. I am still reading his 2007 NBA opening weekend blast, "haven't had time to absorb that one yet." Hows that for pop-culture references. 
  • Skip Bayless calling Lebron James "Prince" every time he fails to live up to the Jordan comparisons. Skip should be extra-old man on the porch grumpy this year after his "Boomer-Sooner or later we'll win a big game" Oklahoma team crashed with Sam Bradford's shoulder. 
  • Kevin Garnett getting super intense for no good reason.  A Tuesday night game in March against the Grizzlies turns into the final scene of  "Hoosiers," raised leg and all. I'm giving the over/under on the amount of times ESPN shows a slow motion close up Garnett dropping an F-bomb on the court at about 276. 
  • Stephen A. Smith screaming..... a lot. I am still under the impression people believe talking louder and saying more = intelligence in this country. I heard him on local radio the other day, speaking on the Big Fat Idiot's attempt to join a group buying the Rams. He said the same thing, loudly, over and over again for about 15 minutes. It was a brutal beat down of sound and opinion, with the same words being bludgeoned again, again, and again. 
  • Knick fans in their homemade Lebron-Knicks jerseys. Oh Knick fan, if Lebron leaves Cleveland there is no value in becoming a Knick, not financially, not culturally, and certainly not if he wants to win championships. They are a horrible, once-great franchise decimated from years of bad management, sound familiar? Not sure what Rachel Nichols will do at ESPN if Lebron James stays in Cleveland and Brett Favre retires, I heard they have an opening for a baseball analyst. 
  • Wondering how no-one got shot during NBA All Star Weekend. Every year, this turns into a low-life convention that ends in a meaningless basketball game. There are still unsolved crimes in Las Vegas from the event held there in 2007. To quote one report from that weekend "I flew in, saw the crowd and flew out the same day." The game is in Dallas this year which makes me think things won't get too out-of control, as I am under the impression most people in the state are armed. 

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