Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Keep Em Coming

Can't stay away, this has become a nice distraction from other, more stressful aspects of my life, so here is some more. I just got back from a day in Battleboro, Vermont. It took me a little more than three years, but I finally have stepped foot in every New England state, my favorite; Connecticut. Why?, because it's where I catch a plane to get the hell out of here.

So, Lebron tells us his elbow injury isn't a big deal. To quote Tommy Boy, "I'm not buying it, next thing you know change is missing from your drawer and your daughters' knocked up, I've seen it a million times." And I have seen it a million times, star athletes playing through pain and not being able to do what they normally do to win games. Paging Phillip Rivers in the 2007 AFC championship game.

If the Cavs do win a championship this year, everything is lining up for a dramatic story. Not only will Lebron be fighting an apparent nagging elbow injury on his shooting arm, but he will have to beat that last two teams that eliminated him from the playoffs in the last two years. Boston this round, and most likely Orlando in the Eastern Conference Finals.

To be honest, I'm not sold they can beat Boston. That team is still loaded despite their age and the Cletics have a clear advantage in the point guard match up. Rajon Rondo is beyond better than Mo Williams, its almost hilarious when you think about it. I am dubbing it "The Real Deal" vs. "The Deal." "The Deal" is a reference to Cavs GM Danny Ferry basically getting Mo Williams for literally absolutely nothing in a trade with the Bucks. The only catch, apparently Mo does ABSOLUTELY nothing in big games.

I will say this about Celtics vs. Cavs, there will be a fight. Doc Rivers will tell his team to go after Lebron's elbow, they're a veteran team, this is what veteran's do when they reach a certain age; they play dirty. I'll be honest I haven't wanted a Cleveland sports team to beat another team this badly since the Browns couldn't put away the Denver Broncos in three different AFC championship games. New England has had an embarrassment of riches over the last decade and we come to find out two of those teams "allegedly" may have been cheating. I hope there is a fight in this series and I hope we beat them badly, in both the skirmish and the series. Last year the Sawwwwwx were swept in ALDS and the Patriots were blown-out by the Ravens in the first round of the NFL playoffs. If the Celtics we're destroyed on the court and "in the ring" it would be the sports equivalent of social justice. Combine all three early exits and one could say it's Divine intervention. Yes, God hates New England =)

Ah, you're probably thinking my hatred for the Celtics is unhealthy. It is, but I don't have the time to sort that out, so I am going with it.......and it feels good!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cavs Forth Quarter

Gonna blog the fourth quarter. I went to the gym, when I left the gym we were up 7, now we're up 2. So I thought my ramblings maybe negative enough to be interesting.

10:03 Shaq turns the ball over after Brad Miller fouls him twice. Miller jawing at refs, dragged to bench running his mouth like a drunk after last call. The Q is dead, wake up Cleveland you probably don't have to work in the morning. Don't know what is with Cleveland fan these days, they're rowdy for a 5-11 Browns team, but seem scared to get behind a real contender. Most likely the result of being kicked square in the nuts over the years. I get enough hot girls turn you down, when one really digs you, your defense mechanism goes up.

10:13 Derek Rose hits what should have been a three point play, but the refs call it off. Amazing shot, amazing play, it means nothing. Bulls answer the poor call by violating the 24 second shot clock. Oh, and Reggie Miller may have been the greatest clutch shooter of all time, but someone should hide his microphone, just an awful commentator.

10:16 Lebron James drives and hits a ridiculous lay up, is fouled, and hits a free throw. On the other end, the Bulls continue to out-work the Cavs on the boards and get an offensive put-back. Whats next, why of course, Mo Williams misses a three. A fan grabs the ball and stands up like he's going to throw the ball in for Chicago, sit down 4 drink guy.

10:18 Delonte West hits a huge three. However, Chicago continues to get second shot chances on the offensive end. If this "effort" by the Cavs persists against Boston's big three in the next round, they won't win a game. Lebron is struggling, wonder if he'll pull a Lebron-Against-the-World offense to seal this one. Derek Rose has been more impressive tonight, Chicago should win based on his offense alone.

10:23 It's like my last paragraph was a pre-courser, Cavs up three, Lebron drives hits a lay-up, is fouled, and misses the free throw. James then blocks Rose, which results in a missed Delonte West three. For some reason Chicago's offense rebounding is counter-balanced by their awful free throw shooting, it's the difference in the game. Cavs up 4.

10:25 Mo Williams fouled and I have to say the Cavs are getting all the calls tonight. Brad Miller fouled out, Noah and Gibson have four. James grabs a defensive rebound and Antawan Jamison drains a huge three. Cavs starting to pull away, anyone else think the Cavs may be tied in this series without Jamision? Two 20+ point games, this is a good sign, as the Cavs did not have this contribution last year. Oh, and Lebron James is quietly approaching a triple double.

10:31 Another defensive rebound for Cleveland, but the Cavs turn it over. This is the behavior that will cause them to loose a series against Boston or Orlando. Protect the damn ball. James squares up and misses a three, Cavs up seven. Andy grabs a foul off the rebound and now the Cavs are up 5, two minutes left. Jamison is called for a charge, it would have counted too, Andy took a great pass from him and dunked it.

10:34. Cavs up three, Chicago putting their head down and Mo Williams is still sucking. The Cavs foul AGAIN, Delonte West this time! Cavs are crapping out big-time and my heart rate is approaching a casket-ready pace. Can't stand it when Cleveland teams, pull a Cleveland. Garbage play in the last two minutes! Championship teams seal the deal, they don't make the game interesting! Cleveland should be smoking these fools and flicking them in the street.

10:40 Rose misses a shot that almost goes in, again. Cavs fans still suck, as does Mo Williams who misses yet another shot. If it weren't for Noah knocking the ball out of bounds, Chicago woud be in a really good place. By the way, Derek Rose's amazing "and 1" play that was called off, is the difference in the score. Cavs up three with 37.4 left.

10:43 Cavs royally screw up, terrible, horrible, nonsense possession that results in a Cleveland turn-over. You can thank Andy, and the Bulls defending Lebron perfectly. Even though they knock 17 seconds off the clock, Bulls have the ball with 17 seconds left, only down three. Bulls out-play Cleveland for the third time this series, the so-called talent differential is the only reason the Cavs will most likely move on. Again, I can't say this enough, not good enough to even win a game against Boston with this effort.

10:46 Derek Roses misses a shot and Lebron is fouled with 7.8 left. Lebron hits one shot, but guess what he is clearly INJURED. He shoots the second shot LEFT HANDED because his right-arm is hurting him. In the huddle Lebron in pain, I don't care who wins this game. If that arm isn't right its over, over for this year and the future.

10:49 Cavs fans still dead even though the Cavs win and they should be. This is a funeral, for the entire franchise if Lebron has seriously hurt his arm. We may have out-Cleveland ourselves tonight folks.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

More Stuff

On a non-sports related note, the television show Glee is a piping hot, cup of trash juice that needs to be eliminated. If you enjoy bad actors breaking into song and dance for no apparent reason, I would look under your sink and find anything with the words; mop, glow, pine, all-purpose, or bubbles and pound it down. If you survive, let it be a reminder that you need to find a new path. I suggest the the entire Nirvana catalog.

The Cavs will not win a championship. Even with a seriously upgraded team, they still run a Lebron against the world offense. The Cavs shouldn't need Lebron to drop 4o points to beat Chicago at home, even if the Bulls played a flawless game. I need this team to prove to me that they can beat the best in a seven game playoff series. Until then I still like the Mavricks to win the NBA championship, they look to good right now.

The Cleveland Browns schedule was released today. My take is 6-9-1.

-6 apologies to close friends

-9 fits of uncontrollable rage

-1 glimmer of hope (remember, new overtime rules only apply in the playoffs)

My experiment of following the Red Sox this summer instead of the Indians is turning into Billy Madison pulling his dirty boot out of a bucket of dry ice. The Indians won four straight, two of the victories saw the starting pitchers throwin complete games. The Red Sox have lost 4 straight and the so-called best pitching staff in baseball has gotten shelled. Doesn't surprise me, the year I moved to New England, the Cavs went to the NBA Finals, the Browns went 10-6, and the Indians were one game away from going to the World Series. However, I still feel good about my decsion to jump ship for the 2010 baseball season, why? Well, the Cavs got swept in those finals, the Browns missed the playoffs, and the Indians lost the ALCS in seven games to.......The Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaawx.

Looks like my fantasy football team name "No Means No Ben" will be appropriate for yet another season. Steelers star quarterback Ben Roethlisberger now has an many Super Bowl rings as sexual assault accusations. The most recent incident happened in the bathroom of a Georgia night club. Brother Ben, I also enjoyed The Wrestler, but that was fiction buddy, not the real deal. You are an NFL quarterback, you want to "hit it" in a night club bathroom, buy the night club. Good thing Steeler WR Santonio Holmes got traded for bad behavior, he was clearly the "real" problem.

I have to hand it to ESPN. Between their 30 for 30 series and John Gruden's segements interviewing the top four quarterbacks in the NFL draft, ESPN has become must see tv. Ten or so years ago, I couldn't stomach the "World's Leader in Sports Entertainment." The network took seasoned and respected sports journalists like Bob Ryan and payed them to be talking head-bafoons on programs like Around The Horn and Pardon The Interruption. Their expecation; take 10,000 word, well crafted columns and turn them into 10 second soundbytes. However, I have enjoyed thier programming this year more than ever. I recomend DVRing 30 for 30 and hitting for the Gruden segments.

This all leads me to my last point. Americans can sniff out bull s&*$ from ten miles away. I find it ironic that what is brining people back to the "The World's Leader......." isn't the degregation of well-known and well respected journalists. What is brining people back is real story-telling and third-wall dropping segments. Americans dig honesty, in the words of John Lennon, "say what you mean, mean what you say, and put a backbeat to it." In other words, be genuine and create a way for people to easily digest it.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Been A Long Time

I am busy this time of year, so running my mouth about sports takes a back seat to some serious putting my head down and plowing through. Anyways here is a little something.

I was much more intrigued by Tiger Woods battle with himself during The Masters than his battle with a so-called good guy in Phil Mickelson. The media exploited the comparison of Tiger's ridiculous behavior to Mickelson standing by his wife during her battle with cancer. First of all, why is that celebrated? Chris Rock said it best, "s&*% you're supposed to do." Second, why is the media writing about the easy thoughts that Joe Handicap (Golf Fan) has in his head? I expect more from professionals.

Tiger's internal battle to control himself on the golf course is intriguing to me. His arrogance is the source of these outbursts. He can't fathom why he, the greatest ever, should not have everything go his way during a match. Tiger is mentally strong, but his arrogance has become his downfall. He realized this when it came to women, he now needs to realize this when it comes to golf.

That folks, is the last time I will ever talk about golf.

I'm pretty sure ESNP's NFL analyst Adam Schefter hasn't slept in 3 years. Follow him on Twitter Adam_Schefter. I go to bed he is tweeting, I wake up and he hasn't stopped. I'd like to buy him a coffee and spike it with Ambien. Relax, he would only nod off for five minutes and then answer a tweet from moron Browns fan. "Are da Browns gonna draft Thaddeus Gibson in da first round, ya know keep it local?"

Speaking of the draft, here is what I think the Browns need to do with their 12 picks to finally become a contender. Superman, Batman, Aquaman, The Rock Monster from The Neverending Story, Kasier Soze, Thor, Dusty Rhodes circa 1979, Mufasta (every team needs a bad guy), Glen Danzig post-Misfits, The entire cast of The Outsiders, AC Slater, and then maybe take runner on Bowling Green wide out Freddie Barnes.

I am dubbing the paring of Santonio Holmes and Braylon Edwards in New York, Cops and Drops. One gets caught while the other can't catch. It's the perfect "buddy" picture.

Baseball started up............still broken. My highlight so far? The San Diego Padres selling their advertising space behind home plate to Aladdin Bail Bonds. Good, I was looking for a reason to never visit San Diego. Sea World, The San Diego Zoo, great weather, Ron freaking Burgundy, all ruined by baseball and Aladdin Bail Bonds.

PCPOTW (Pop Culture Pick Of The Week)

My girlfriend bought two album-frames and then proceeded to hand up both her Postal Service and Radiohead records. I protested, she relented, and then told me I could hang up two of my selections. My choices; two records that would mug, rob, and destroy her picks. The Misftis Static Age and Minor Threat's complete collection of singles. I cannot sit here and give you any description that would do these recordings justice. Buy them, download them, steal them, I don't care. Find a way to educate yourself on the real deal.

Oh, our cat eventurally jumped up on the couch and knocked down The Misfit's Static Age, or so I was told by my girlfriend.
