Saturday, December 12, 2009

5 Things.

1. I'm Tiger'd out! I was going to write a quick one liner that knocks the general public for their continual shock when they find out professional athletes cheat on their spouses. However this is a much better take on Tiger.

2. Brian Kelly was a safe pick for the job at Notre Tame. That is not a typo, until that program grows a pair, they will be referred to as Notre Tame. They conducted a weak coaching search that showed absolutely zero gumption. I was hoping to see media reports of Notre Tame "over stepping their bounds." The SEC (South East Corruption) losing their mind as Notre Tame's special forces unit infiltrates Gainseville and Tuscaloosa. The greater Los Angeles area rioting (big surprise) as masked men in NT coats kidnap Pete Carroll. Boomer "Sooner or later you'll win a big game" jumping on the Sooner Schooner to retrieve a stolen Bob Stoops. But no, they went the practical, easy way, they went Brian Kelly. Kelly may very well be the next great NT coach. He has an eerily similar history to Urban Meyer, (MAC School, Mid-Major-Big Fish Program), and he ran a good program at Cincy. I was just hoping for something a little more interesting, maybe, in five years I'll get it.

3. The baseball winter meetings took place last week in Indianapolis, last year they were in Las Vegas. I find Vegas more appropriate as there is no other city in the United States that tells you your economic status more clearly than Las Vegas. This of course is perfect for baseball. While the small market teams sit at the penny shots just hoping that the a cocktail waitress will bring them free watered-down drinks, the mid market teams play $5 blackjack. The big four (Yanks, Sox, Angels, Dodger) sit in their Skyloft suites at the MGM and play high stakes poker while beautiful women feed them steak. Baseball is broken.

4. Great Cleveland, we beat the Steelers! Great, the joke is still on as us as Eric Mangini probably just won himself another year coaching.

One a Browns side note: Every single time I see "The House That Jerry Built" in Dallas, I think of how stupid it was for Cleveland to build an 80,000 person outdoor facility that is only used 8-10 times a year. First of all, its in a primo location on the lake that should be utilized for high end real estate and shopping. Second, if the Browns would have built a dome they could have housed college conference championship games, low-level bowl games, the Final Four, the Super Bowl, and concerts year round. Just another rash and irrational move in reaction to "The Move" in 1995.

5. I watched the 30 f0r 30 documentary The U covering the football program at the University of Miami. It was so good, I watched it twice, the second time during the 13:00 NFL games on Sunday. The story was so insanely interesting that I am suggesting to cancel all planned activity until you see it.

Growing up I always thought the University of Miami was a program full of violent, freakish athletes that had no respect for college football and were out to dismantle anyone in their way. Apparently, I was right. Miami started to become a dominant program when head coach Howard Schnellenberger put a lock-down on outsiders recruiting talent from South Florida, especially inner-city Miami. From that point forward the University of Miami literally was the University of Miami, made from homegrown talent. That homegrown talent proved to be ruff around the edges.

It was interesting to get the vibe from former players and personnel interviewed for the documentary. They found ways to justify all behavior U, everything from the harmless on-field celebrations to the illegal activity that plagued the program for years. The most ironic aspect of the Miami story is why the team seemed to be so vilified. One would think it was the illegal payoffs from rapper Luther Campbell or a criminal rap sheet that put up as many points as the Hurricane offense, but no. What seemed to get people so riled up were on-the-field celebrations, intimidation tactics, and demeanour. People didn't care all that much if kids from the inner city were committing crimes, they expected that. But, as soon as those same kids blew out established college programs, crashed their party, and danced with their women; they were out of line.

After watching The U I'm not sure how I now see those classic Miami teams. Unreal talent and swagger, corruption and carelessness, or is it all of the above? However, if you ask me to describe utter-domination, it would be that Florida sun, beating down on the Orange Bowl, orange jerseys, white helmets, and legendary college coaches walking out of the joint terrified and violated. In other words the U.

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