Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cavs vs. Lakers Thoughts

This is my immediate reaction to the Cavs vs. Lakers game as I watch it.

Throwing a fit in public while watching a sporting event is never a good idea, doing it while at the gym, on a treadmill is even worse. Planet Fitness may be a "Judgement Free Zone," but I'll be the judge and jury when the Cavaliers offensive rotation looks about as solid as the Indians pitching rotation. The Cavs look, old woman in the right-hand lane slow tonight.

Is that Mike Fratello calling this game, or did the manager from the Men's Warehouse in Lyndhurst win a radio contest to be a guest announcer on TNT. That hair piece needs FEMA- like relief, call in the National Guard it's a disaster.

The Lakers look fired up and focused, the Cavs look like kids in a father/son game.

If I were the Cavaliers I would ban all Jay Z from being played over the loudspeakers at the Q. Jay is genius, but clearly wants his good friend Lebron to leave Cleveland. If you had the hottest girl in school, would you listen to the guy's band who was trying to take her from you?Especially if she was with you in the car?

Cavs get their first lead of the game late in the third quarter. Tons of missed shots for both teams. I'm reminded of back yard games of "33" at this point.

Marv Albert has used the word intense roughly 276 times. Marv, it's the two teams with best records in the association going after each other, did you think this was going to be a Sting concert.

The last two minutes of the third quarter was what we have all been waiting for. Big Z hits a three from the corner. Kobe posts up and drops a killer turn around jumper on Parker. Lebron hits a 15 footer from a similar spot on the floor. Gasol misses a baby hook, Big Z grabs the rebound with 22 seconds left on the clock. Lebron calls for the ball, fronts up on Kobe and directs the Cavs to clear out the lane. James doesn't drive, but throws up a jumper, he misses. Kobe calls for the ball with 5 seconds left, draws a triple team, and misses a fade away. The quarter ends with neither Lebron or Kobe winning the momentum battle as they head for the bench.

Hang On Sloopy plays from the loud speakers as interesting line ups from the bench start the fourth. Both teams are trading baskets, trying not disappoint their superstar teammates that are resting up for the home stretch. James comes off the bench first, this game has gotten, dare I say it, intense.

NBA finals type hysteria at this point. I can't tell you enough how much I hope this is the NBA Finals match-up we get, because this is the match-up we deserve.

Commercial for Mel Gibson's new movie looks good. He is playing a crazy man hell bent on revenge. Hmmmm, I'll let you figure that out.

Game comes down to who can execute the best for five minutes. Lebron is taking over, if it weren't for Arrest I mean Artest's big three, the Cavs (James) would be dominating. The crowd at the Q has reached a Ramones show in Brazil level of crazy.

Kobe's turn to take over. He hits two free throws and then ties the game on a lights out jumper. Big Game James answers with an "And 1 Mixtape Tour" block, drives coast to coast and makes an amazing lay-up.

As Paul Gasol misses two free throws and James gets the rebound, an injured Mo Williams is going insane on the bench. Think of cable access broadcasts of a baptist church on Sunday morning.

The Cavs win an amazing contest once the Lakers have to play the foul game. Andy V makes an absolutely monumental rebound on a Lebron James missed foul shot. Andy sinks two foul shots and thats all she wrote. The ladies of The View can start singing.

Some may say Lebron's take over in the fourth was the story of this game. It was, but what enabled him to dominate was the Cavs bench, matching the Lakers bench, shot for shot at the beginning of the fourth quarter. There wasn't an 8 point deficit for Lebron to overcome. This was all done with the Cav's second best player, Mo Williams, injured on the bench. If the Cavs play like this in the playoffs, the 44 year championship drought will be over in Cleveland.

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