Wednesday, December 30, 2009

5 Things

1. Every member of the media that releases a top whatever list for the decade should be ignored. I have read numerous "expert opinions" that have forced me to make large donation to the local liquor store. The fact that "real" journalists have spent their time writing closing arguments to debates that, in most cases, result in bar fights is mind boggling to me. Team of the decade? The American people, for not bum rushing and burning down every newspaper stand, television station, and radio broadcast that unveiled a list of decade long accolades that mean absolutely nothing.

2. Let me break down the Mike Leach situation for your. From what I can gather, the son of a well known broadcast journalist from ESPN, was a tremendous pain in the ass for the Texas Tech coaching staff. Said player was the victim of two concussions and as a result, was sent to a locked closet, in a basement during Texas Tech football practices. The Texas Tech administration was made aware of such activity and then suspended head football coach Mike Leach. Coach Leach was then granted a hearing for a restraining order against the player in question, so he could coach the team in their upcoming Alamo Bowl game. The day of the hearing, Coach Leach was fired by Texas Tech. First of all, that is the first and last time I mention the Alamo Bowl in this blog. Second, how does a grown man allow himself to be banished to a locked basement closet ala Chunk in The Goonies? Third, I don't doubt any of the accusations, it is my opinion that Mike Leach is the Bobby Knight of college football, a man that who's own intelligence gets the best of him. Lastly, Craig James, father of the player in question and ESPN analyst needs to stop using ESPN as his personal PTA hearing, no other parent would have such a privilege.

3. Hate to break it to the Boston and Los Angeles based media, the Cleveland Cavaliers are the best team in basketball, right now. I wont bore you with the statistics except for; they have won 9 of their last 10, they have the best record in the East, they went 3 for 4 on West Coast road trip that included wins over the Lakers, Suns, and an 11-6 home record Sacramento Kings team, and yep they still have Lebron James. The problem with last year's Cavalier team was that they peaked too soon and didn't have a strong bench. The bench now includes Big Z, Anderson Varejo, Anthony Parker, Jamario Moon, and Daniel Gibson. Oh, and for those of you second guessing the Shaq trade (and I was one of you) , during the Suns, Lakers, and Kings games, the Cavs outscored their opponents by 6o points in the paint. Like I said, right now, the Cavs are the best team in basketball.

4. I still like my Eagles vs. Chargers Super Bowl prediction. However, let me throw a wild card in there. I am not a gambling man, having money seems to be a requirement in that field. But, I would not bet against Tom Brady and Bill Belichick. Don't be shocked if two of the most talented people in their respected professions find a way to the Superbowl.

5. I was a student at "The Bowling Green State University" when Urban Meyer got his first head coaching job with the Falcons, so I am a bit of a fan. Yea, I could make jokes about his medical condition being the result of broken heart over Tim Tebow graduating, but I won't do that. I am a firm believer that stress kills people, negative thoughts will do you in. If you were the head coach of a major SEC program that gets your opponents best shot every week, you would constantly be thinking that something bad is going to happen. Something bad did happen. If you listen to the 911 call from Meyer's wife asking for help (by the way, somehow, the girl was calm) you get a sense the job got to him. I do hope he takes some time off, the man has spent the last 8+ years going from "The Bowling Green State University" to a two time national champion at the University of Florida. In between he made a stop at the University of Utah, if I were to fly from Northwest Ohio, to Utah, to Florida, I would need a hospital bed. I hope Urban Meyer is part of a bigger revolution in America; people that realize the price of success sometimes isn't worth it.

PCPOTW (Pop Culture Pick of The Week)
A new addition to the blog, my Pop Culture Pick of The Week. I have a degree in Pop Culture and even though it doesn't result in financial success, attraction of the opposite sex, or employment it does allow me to run my mouth on more than just sports.

After listening to all of the Beatles re-mastered albums I can undoubtedly say The White Album is the greatest Beatles record of all time. No album shows the bands collective and individual genius quite like The White Album. You can disagree with me, but you're wrong.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

5 Things

After attending "Back Up Bowl" this past Sunday at Cleveland Browns Stadium, I have to say I am a little miffed. People really do act like idiots. I am now dubbing the walk from the numerous tailgating lots to the stadium as the Million Moron March. Are you offended, fine, just stop doing these 5 things to change my opinion on the process.

1. Stop cursing out people wearing the opposing team's jersey, especially when they are with their kids. I get it, they're on "your turf," and you must defend it by assaulting them with monosyllabic obscenities and 4th grade taunting. The Fight Club quote, "Congratulations your one step away from bottom" comes to mind. "You just gonna let them wear that jersey into Cleveland Browns stadium!?" yes.......yes I am. I usually allow people to wear clothing when they go to a public place. It's not disrespectful, or insulting, or some ridiculous threat to your well being, its a jersey. Let it go.

2. Barking. Sorry kids, I'm done with the Dawg Pound. Hanford Dixon is gone and the defense hasn't been "Dawg Like" in decades. It's not cute, its fairly mortifying. In most major cities, adults barking as they walk down the street wouldn't be a point of pride, it would be proof of a failed public school system. Well, come to think of it..........

3. Stop using city trash cans to start fires in order to keep warm. This seems to be a staple in the Municipal Lot along I-90. I would invest in gloves. It seems loads easier than moving a metal trash can, filling it with wood, and then setting it a blaze only to put out three hours later. Muni-lot Bulleted Listas its affectionately called, looks like the beginning of Terminator 2, with robots being replaced grown folks in Dog masks.

4. Stop walking to the game with hands raised in the air like you just caught the game winning touchdown. Lets start with the fact that the game hasn't started yet, so why anyone would be celebrating is beyond me. Throw a 4-11 record on top of that and its a no brainer that this particular ritual should be stopped. Also, it just looks bad, especially when said "athlete" is holding a cigarette in one of those raised hands.

5. One final thing, to the gentleman that yelled at me and my father to, "move that f^&*ing jap car out of the way," as we were sitting at a red light, I would like to inform you of a few things. Until 2008 the Honda Accord was made in Ohio. Also, the proper place for most vehicles tends to be in the street. I won't get into the nuances of a traffic light, something tells me the colors not being red, white, and blue would cause you to dismiss it's existence.

By no means do I think these people are stupid. I'd bet half are smarter than me. I just don't understand why a South Park-esque mob is necessary before a game. Yes, I know people work hard and pay a lot of money for their tickets. I get the fact that for some people, the eight games at the stadium a year are what makes folks feel better about their crappy job and crappier living conditions. Trust me, I am aware of the passion that people have for the Cleveland Browns (at one point I considered a class action law suit against the team for broken possessions including remote controls, punched-in doors, and once, during a Steelers game a broken-off date) Its great to be passionate, intense, loud, and even a little bit out of control, all I am asking is that people stop acting like idiots.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

3 Browns Takes

-I am jacked, gitty even, that Charlie Frye will be making his triumphant return to Cleveland Browns Stadium this weekend as the starting quarterback for the Oakland Raiders. The kicker to all of this? Because of Brady Quinn's injury, the Browns will be starting Derek Anderson. The same Derek Anderson that yanked the starting QB position away from Mr. Frye after a disastrous 2007 opening day. Including Quinn, the last three failed Browns quarterbacks will all be in attendance in Cleveland this Sunday. Imagine David Lee Roth, Sammy Hagar, and that guy from Extreme all being on stage at a VanHalen show. Tell me you wouldn't pay for that? Well being that I am in town and tickets in the Dawg Pound are $12 on Stub Hub, I just may have to. Back-Up Bowl 2009.

-Pay Josh Cribbs whatever he wants. I don't care if you have to rename Cleveland landmarks after him. (most of them have crap names anyway, Public Hall, Public Square, The Euclid Corridor, Tower City, the Galleria?????). The un-drafted free-agent from Kent State returned two kickoffs 100 yards for touchdowns. The previous week, Cribbs beat the Steelers on his own utilizing an offense last seen in Cleveland during the High School City Championship games circa 1964. Josh Cribbs, along with Joe Thomas, and Shawn Rodgers are the only untouchable players on this team. To be honest, with the recent play of 6th round pick Ahtya Rubin, Rodgers may not be completely untouchable.

-Which brings me to Mike Holmgren. For the first time since the Browns came back to town in 1999 the organization has a football person, with real and significant NFL experience making football decisions. I'm not saying the word savior, but I am saying the word hopeful. My only concern, I was just as hopeful when the Savage/Crennell team was announced. I'm not going to get into what I think Holmgren will do, Holmgren himself doesn't know yet. But, I do know one thing, Holmgren looks legit. That look is great, the "eat your oatmeal" guy after a 10 hour flight in coach look, it just bleeds football legitimacy. Of course there also is his resemblance to a certain sea mammal, which reminds me of another former great Northeast Ohio tradition. When Sea World Ohio was open, the Sea Lion and Otter show always closed with the walrus swimming out of nowhere to save the day. The park closed in 2004, the animals moved throughout the country, but I hope the walrus can once again come out of nowhere and save the day.

Friday, December 18, 2009


-I don't blame Notre Tame for quickly writing off becoming a member of the Big Ten. Financially it doesn't make a lick of sense. But, I can't ignore the idea that becoming a member of a weaker BCS conference would give the program an easier go then their independant schedule.

-Speaking of the Big Ten expansion, I am intrigued. I don't think expanding the conference and drawing out the season with a conference championship game will somehow result in better bowl performance for the Big Ten. However, I would like to see a conference championship game to find an outright Big Ten champion. The fact that Ohio State and Michigan could never play in the championship game doesn't bother me. The Patriots and Colts never met in the Super Bowl over the last decade and it didn't ruin the NFL. If it were up to me, jacking Missouri out of the Big 12 would be a good bet.

-In a recent Bill Simmon's podcast, Bill described a conspiracy theory regarding the 2010 mega free agency blowout in the NBA. The Oliver Stone insanity goes something like this. During a late-night, 2008 Dream Team card game in China, the 2010 free agency blowout participants came up with a game plan to all land with the same team. If you a need drink after trying to digest that one, I suggest Crown Royal, it will at least cause you to pass out, apologize for what you said, AND NEVER LET YOU REMEMBER SUCH A CRAP THEORY AGAIN! Simmons falls into the ever growing category of "journalists" who are trying to pry Leborn out of Cleveland, we are all witnesses.

-No NFL team will go undefeated this year. I like a Chargers vs. Eagles Super Bowl. My predictions tend to be crap, but I still don't like Indy in the playoffs and I think New Orleans is very beatable come January.

- In baseball news, nope not worth talking about. Baseball continues to be like bad movie sequels, the title suckers you in, but you're pissed you dropped the money.

-If and this is a huge if! If Turnover Pryor can learn tho throw the football, Ohio State could win a National Championship next year. A possible 16 returning seniors including the entire backfield, and another strong recruiting class. The only thing standing in their way, a week 2 game against The U and the possibility that Michigan learns how to play defense.

-Bob Knight, who physically assaulted players at Indiana is now lecturing college basketball about integrity? I don't care about graduation rates , you can't smack kids around and then point fingers at other programs.

- Skip Bayless giving the Indianapolis Colts an overall grade of "D" for the decade makes me laugh. Some people get all worked up over Skippy, I like the guy. He is the equivalent of the professional wrestling heel, "the bad guy" at ESPN. It is good for business to be the jerk, it's an act.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

5 Things.

1. I'm Tiger'd out! I was going to write a quick one liner that knocks the general public for their continual shock when they find out professional athletes cheat on their spouses. However this is a much better take on Tiger.

2. Brian Kelly was a safe pick for the job at Notre Tame. That is not a typo, until that program grows a pair, they will be referred to as Notre Tame. They conducted a weak coaching search that showed absolutely zero gumption. I was hoping to see media reports of Notre Tame "over stepping their bounds." The SEC (South East Corruption) losing their mind as Notre Tame's special forces unit infiltrates Gainseville and Tuscaloosa. The greater Los Angeles area rioting (big surprise) as masked men in NT coats kidnap Pete Carroll. Boomer "Sooner or later you'll win a big game" jumping on the Sooner Schooner to retrieve a stolen Bob Stoops. But no, they went the practical, easy way, they went Brian Kelly. Kelly may very well be the next great NT coach. He has an eerily similar history to Urban Meyer, (MAC School, Mid-Major-Big Fish Program), and he ran a good program at Cincy. I was just hoping for something a little more interesting, maybe, in five years I'll get it.

3. The baseball winter meetings took place last week in Indianapolis, last year they were in Las Vegas. I find Vegas more appropriate as there is no other city in the United States that tells you your economic status more clearly than Las Vegas. This of course is perfect for baseball. While the small market teams sit at the penny shots just hoping that the a cocktail waitress will bring them free watered-down drinks, the mid market teams play $5 blackjack. The big four (Yanks, Sox, Angels, Dodger) sit in their Skyloft suites at the MGM and play high stakes poker while beautiful women feed them steak. Baseball is broken.

4. Great Cleveland, we beat the Steelers! Great, the joke is still on as us as Eric Mangini probably just won himself another year coaching.

One a Browns side note: Every single time I see "The House That Jerry Built" in Dallas, I think of how stupid it was for Cleveland to build an 80,000 person outdoor facility that is only used 8-10 times a year. First of all, its in a primo location on the lake that should be utilized for high end real estate and shopping. Second, if the Browns would have built a dome they could have housed college conference championship games, low-level bowl games, the Final Four, the Super Bowl, and concerts year round. Just another rash and irrational move in reaction to "The Move" in 1995.

5. I watched the 30 f0r 30 documentary The U covering the football program at the University of Miami. It was so good, I watched it twice, the second time during the 13:00 NFL games on Sunday. The story was so insanely interesting that I am suggesting to cancel all planned activity until you see it.

Growing up I always thought the University of Miami was a program full of violent, freakish athletes that had no respect for college football and were out to dismantle anyone in their way. Apparently, I was right. Miami started to become a dominant program when head coach Howard Schnellenberger put a lock-down on outsiders recruiting talent from South Florida, especially inner-city Miami. From that point forward the University of Miami literally was the University of Miami, made from homegrown talent. That homegrown talent proved to be ruff around the edges.

It was interesting to get the vibe from former players and personnel interviewed for the documentary. They found ways to justify all behavior U, everything from the harmless on-field celebrations to the illegal activity that plagued the program for years. The most ironic aspect of the Miami story is why the team seemed to be so vilified. One would think it was the illegal payoffs from rapper Luther Campbell or a criminal rap sheet that put up as many points as the Hurricane offense, but no. What seemed to get people so riled up were on-the-field celebrations, intimidation tactics, and demeanour. People didn't care all that much if kids from the inner city were committing crimes, they expected that. But, as soon as those same kids blew out established college programs, crashed their party, and danced with their women; they were out of line.

After watching The U I'm not sure how I now see those classic Miami teams. Unreal talent and swagger, corruption and carelessness, or is it all of the above? However, if you ask me to describe utter-domination, it would be that Florida sun, beating down on the Orange Bowl, orange jerseys, white helmets, and legendary college coaches walking out of the joint terrified and violated. In other words the U.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

5 Things

With the NFL playoffs looming, the college football seasons ending, and the NBA heating up, it's that time of year again. To hold those closest to you and watch sports figures absolutely loose their mind under pressure. It really is one my favorite things, to watch people have that "don't you dare f-with me" look come over their face and EXPLODE! So here are my five favorite sports meltdowns.

As you can see from previous entries I list things in five, why? Because I watched High Fidelty one too many times. If you haven't please do, it is a great movie and "the sound track kicks f^&*ing ass."

5. Many of us have thrown our cell phone. I find this useless as it results in missed calls and at least $100 for a replacement. However, I consider Hal McRae a revolutionary because in this clip he hurls a rotary phone. A phone so heavy, that Lewis Black once described one as a sufficient weapon against a puma.

4. Do you remember when The University of Colorado football program was the benchmark? When the Big 12 feared the Buffs? Well so does Dan Hawkins and he clearly is frustrated this no longer is the case. I feel ya brother, I played intramural football.

3. In this clip take note at the 2:00 minute mark. You can see a young lady in the right hand corner chewing a piece of gum. I hope she's a student, because there is not a class she will take at Oklahoma State that will ever be this entertaining. Considering coach Dundy is making a good point about the armature athlete, it is hard to laugh, until you compare his comments to this Will Farell re-mix.

2. Bobby Knight is a man who did not understand his own genius, many people that act out in such a way don't. When ESPN produced the movie, Season on The Brink they choose Brian Dennehy (Big Tom Callahn) to play Knight, I feel Dennis Hopper would have a been a better choice. Hopper would have been able to truly act in a way that would have done Knight's tirades justice. Interestingly enough Knight's comments regarding a "game face" are eerily similar to this criminal icon. Not a justified comparison when it comes to life time achievement, but it is at least interesting.

1. I never got into real sports journalism out of my undying fear I would actually have to cover a Mike Tyson fight. When Mike told the entire Associated Press he would eat their children I remember exactly where I was. The place in question was called The Barn, a college hangout that I spent many a evening. My friend Josh interrupted the proceedings one night to ensure we saw the rant. It was at that point I realized why all governments, federal and local, needed to take mental health seriously. Here is 6 plus minutes of vintage Mike. There is no substitute.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

5 Things About The BCS.

1. The BCS bowl match-ups were released today and the nation bitched. One jackass is even trying to pass federal legislation to change the BCS system. Yes, thats the solution to a system that doesn't work, the Federal Government.

2. The most fatal flaw to the BCS system? The fact I have to watch Georgia Tech vs. Iowa in the Orange Bowl. There is a joke here comparing this game to NFL blackouts, but I'll let the three people reading this figure it out.

3. The ultimate BCS screw job? How about pitting TCU vs. Boise State, guarenteeing a loss for one of the "BCS Busters." Now there is no possible way either team can gain some clout within college football. Boise State vs. Florida and TCU vs. Cincy would be 100 times more intriguing.

4. The BCS has become Vince McMahon circa the late nineties, screwing everyone in sight. The only problem, there is no story line, this is actually how college football operates. I'm not sure if the bigger problem is lack of a playoff or the practice of pre-season rankings. Either way, this has Bret Hart screw job written all over it.

5. Man how far did USC fall off this year, Arizona! Ohio State's loss to USC in the Shoe, against a freshman quarterback is now even worse. What does this mean? An Ohio State vs. Oregon Rose Bowl could be a disaster. This is the worst set of BCS games since the system was put in place and further proof that the BCS should be exterminated. Tim Tebow crying sums up the nations feelings on college football right now, dry your eyes Timmy there is a life after Florida, however it most likely will involve special teams.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

5 Quick Things

1. Tiger, "don't get into a war of words with people that buy ink by the barrel."

2. The "Lebron Leaving Cleveland," thing has gotten out of hand. Sports journalists have graduated from annoying to untolerable by making a case as to why their team should be his next destination. This most recent one is absolutely pathetic.

3. The Cleveland sports fan thinks: Because Bill Bellichick sucked in Cleveland and then won three Super Bowls with New England, the next crappy coach to be let go can do the same for the Browns. You know what, we really did deserve to loose our team.

4. The most recent Cavaliers incident means nothing long term. The media yet again finding another reason for Lebron to leave Cleveland. For once, the delusional "us vs. the world" mentality in C-Town is true, nobody in the media wants Lebron to stay in Cleveland.

5. I've changed my mind on this, Patriots had a horrible night against a great team. Not a changing of the guard, can still easily win the conference and make it to the Super Bowl.

Friday, November 27, 2009

10 Observations From Rivalry Week (s)

1. Ohio State better watch out, I still think Michigan is putting an offense together that is going to dominate the Big 10. Forcier will never play like that again, he is too good and has too far to go. Until T-Pry can learn how to throw the football to a cast of young receivers (including 2 top 150 prospects committed for 2010) OSU is vulnerable. 

2. Bob Davie calling the Pitt/WVU game is ruining the Backyard Brawl. 

3. Alabama won a tuff Iron Bowl at Auburn, it should have been close, and it was. I still like their defense in the SEC championship game against Florida. Saban is turning Bama into the USC of the South, pro-style game and aggressive recruiting. Pro-style football allows for the, "at Alabama we can prepare you for the NFL" recruiting line that works so well in Southern California.  

4. Texas, like Alabama won a tuff rivalry game on the road. Colt McCoy looks better every week and is starting to prove he can handle big time pressure. Right now McCoy might be the best QB available in the NFL draft. I have to wonder where was the Texas defense Mack Brown has become so proud of. 

5. Apparently Michigan State and Penn State is a rivalry, who knew? 

6. If Florida State somehow pulls off the miracle of the season and beats Florida, Bobby Bowden should retire. I wouldn't bet on either. 

7. During the Backyard Brawl broadcast there is a commercial for the "Freedom Tray." Apparently liberty and justice is no further away than a portable food tray. 

8. Notre Dame lost its rivalry with itself this season. There was no reason a team with that much talent should be on the cusp of .500 ball. Maybe if Notre Dame would pick a conference the program could get some easy wins, I suggest the Big 10. 

9. Bedlam is the greatest name for a rivalry game, ever. 

10. Harvard and Yale still means nothing to me, nothing. I would really like to see these two programs play against high schools from impoverished neighborhoods. For one thing, I think many of the high schools would win and secondly there is some weird social justice aspect I would love to see play out on a football field. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Some More Irish Talk

I am not a hater, I like Notre Dame. Even as a Buckeye fan, I like Michigan. I like the new guard, the old guard, and a MAC game on Tuesday night. I like Running Down the Hill in Death Valley, Jump Around at Camp Randall, The Sooner Schooner, and hearing "Fight On" 354 times during the Rose Bowl. That is the beauty of college football, the tradition, the fact that there is always something to hang your hat on week after week. In other words, college football as a whole is something special. When one of its soldiers is down, the unit isn't the same. 

To overuse a typical cliche, it is good for college football if Notre Dame is a powerhouse. Bottom line, they have barely mattered for over a decade. Since Lou Holtz left after the 1996 season, Notre Dame is 95-67 (59%) and 1-7 in Bowl games, including a blowout from LSU and a two touchdown defeat to Ohio State. During the Lou Holtz era,  Notre Dame was 100-30-2 (76%)  and 5-4 in Bowl games including a National Championship. Lou Holtz was offered a life-time contract and turned it down, since that denied proposal the program hasn't been the same. As with all college football, it comes down to coaching. 

Notre Dame's selection of coaches after Holtz has been abysmal. Bob Davie, I can't even listen to the guy call a game on ESPN, how did 18 year old recruits listen to him in their own home. Ty Willingham would make a good Athletic Director, not a good head football coach, let alone THE head football coach at THE school. Charlie Weis, another short-sighted Belichick-tree decision. How's the Belichick tree look without Belichick? Hows it look Mr. Crennel, Mr.  Mangini, Mr. McDaniels, Mr Pioli, and Mr. Weis

College football coaches need to be master communicators, motivators, and recruiters. None of that describes any of the three coaches Notre Dame hired after Lou Holtz. USC, Ohio State, Michigan,  Alabama, and Oklahoma all struggled with hiring head coaches after an icon left the school. Eventually, a Carroll, Tressel, Schembeckler, Saban, and Stoops were found. Even Florida found a more aggressive, cocky, run-up the score maniac to replace the "old ball coach!" 

Notre Dame must be very un-Notre Dame and aggressively steal another school's top-tier coach. "Thou shall not steal unless you haven't won a BCS Bowl Game in 10 years." I'm not talking promote up, I'm talking highjack and high-tail it back to South Bend. 

  • Urban Meyer already said "no," so what, keep asking until the state of Florida issues you a restraining order. 
  • Bob Stoops already won a National Championship in Oklahoma, start offering non-stop service from South Bend to Norman immediately. 
  • Pete Carroll already coaches your rival, great! 100% less earthquakes in Indiana. 
  • Nick Saban already proved he will jump teams just for the hell of it, keep texting him. 
  • Lane Kiffin already shook up the most corrupt conference in sports, facebook friend him now!
  • Jim Tressel already is getting run out of Columbus, get some graduate assistants in sweater vests as quickly as possible. 
Time to get irrational Notre Dame, college football needs you to. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mark It As True

1. Notre Dame simply doesn't matter any more. When the starting QB gets punched in the face, after a game, IN SOUTH BEND, you've turned into Eastern Michigan. 

2. Michigan will be back, sooner than later. The Michigan offense will develop into a terrifying force for Big 10 opponents over the next two seasons while Rich Rod will realize small and speedy doesn't work on the defense side of the ball. 

4. Ohio State will loose another close big game because they simply can't throw the ball. A two headed monster at QB maybe necessary over the next few seasons. 

5. The SEC is the most corrupt organization in all of Sports. Both Alabama and Florid should have at least one loss, keeping them both out of the BCS Championship game. 

6. I think college football fans would eat up a TCU/Cincinnati BCS championship game, time to pass the torch. 

7. Colt McCoy looks great, but so does Ndamukong Suh. McCoy will get the Big 12 Championship, but Suh will have the better NFL career. 

8. The Jimmy Clausen and Brady Quinn comparisons are only the result of a shared Golden Dome.  Clausen seems to have a killer instinct and a much stronger arm. I still think he could benefit from another year at Notre Dame, but Sam Bradford's shoulder will probably have something to say about that. 

9. The PAC 10 has literally turned into the Wild West and possibly the best conference in college football, even in a down year for USC. The Big 10 however, is an absolute joke and should not be trusted to show up in any bowl game this year. Is it possible to have two PAC 10 teams in the Rose Bowl this year? 

10. The U is not back, not yet. But I'm sure after an early season beat down of Ohio State next year, that swagger will be back. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"Calmer Than You Are"-Big Labowski

What if I were to tell you the following about a basketball team:

1. They have one of the most athletic freaks of all time who has showen the ability to take over a game and do more with less (nothing).

2. The team traded for the most hailed big man in NBA history and he is looking to validate the end of his career. However, this means the offense needs to be completely re-worked.

3. The team signed two athletic wingman that can come off the bench, play defense, and shoot the ball.

4. The team dealt with a bout of the flu during pre-season that severely limited the amount of time the team could jell and introduce the newly acquired players.

5. Going into the season, the head-coach told the media that the team was 2 to 3 weeks away from being a cohesive group ready to perform at a professional level.

Would you freak out about 2 losses at the beginning of the season? One of which to a team favored to win an NBA championship? The other loss to a team with one of the most coveted forwards in 2010 free agent class.

You wouldn't? cool, then don't.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Hes on fire!!" - NBA Jam

The NBA starts back up tonight and I for one am excited. Not just because the only valid sports team in Cleveland plays basketball, but because the league itself has become valid again. L.A, Boston, Cleveland, San Antonio, and Orlando just to name a few. Its like the WWF days of old Hogan, Warrior, Undertaker, and Ric Flair. Too many big names and big games to ignore. San Antonio and Boston will play in the Finals, with San Antonio getting the edge. Not confident in the Cavs bench and this Delonte "Wild" West distraction still not going away. 

5 NBA Things I Look Forward To 

  • 50,000 word weekly essays from Bill Simmons relating obscure Pop Culture references into the world of the NBA. I am still reading his 2007 NBA opening weekend blast, "haven't had time to absorb that one yet." Hows that for pop-culture references. 
  • Skip Bayless calling Lebron James "Prince" every time he fails to live up to the Jordan comparisons. Skip should be extra-old man on the porch grumpy this year after his "Boomer-Sooner or later we'll win a big game" Oklahoma team crashed with Sam Bradford's shoulder. 
  • Kevin Garnett getting super intense for no good reason.  A Tuesday night game in March against the Grizzlies turns into the final scene of  "Hoosiers," raised leg and all. I'm giving the over/under on the amount of times ESPN shows a slow motion close up Garnett dropping an F-bomb on the court at about 276. 
  • Stephen A. Smith screaming..... a lot. I am still under the impression people believe talking louder and saying more = intelligence in this country. I heard him on local radio the other day, speaking on the Big Fat Idiot's attempt to join a group buying the Rams. He said the same thing, loudly, over and over again for about 15 minutes. It was a brutal beat down of sound and opinion, with the same words being bludgeoned again, again, and again. 
  • Knick fans in their homemade Lebron-Knicks jerseys. Oh Knick fan, if Lebron leaves Cleveland there is no value in becoming a Knick, not financially, not culturally, and certainly not if he wants to win championships. They are a horrible, once-great franchise decimated from years of bad management, sound familiar? Not sure what Rachel Nichols will do at ESPN if Lebron James stays in Cleveland and Brett Favre retires, I heard they have an opening for a baseball analyst. 
  • Wondering how no-one got shot during NBA All Star Weekend. Every year, this turns into a low-life convention that ends in a meaningless basketball game. There are still unsolved crimes in Las Vegas from the event held there in 2007. To quote one report from that weekend "I flew in, saw the crowd and flew out the same day." The game is in Dallas this year which makes me think things won't get too out-of control, as I am under the impression most people in the state are armed. 

Monday, October 26, 2009


"Should there be an NFL team in Europe?" Not when there are enough teams currently in the NFL to create three garbage divisions. 

Garbage East 

Garbage West 
Kansas City 
St Louis 

Garbage South 
Tampa Bay 

Thursday, October 22, 2009

"He Makes a Move......He Makes a Move" - Joe Montana Sports Talk Football

I have to congratulate the Cleveland Plain Dealer for their crack team of Buckeye beat writers this season.  There are 475 other obvious points I can make, but I will save my time and give you some real journalism to read right here. 

I find any baseball besides playoff baseball barely tolerable, I am no expert, but I know this is a bad idea. Despite his stay in our nations capitol, I prefer Manny Acta.  He can develop players and trust me, all of the Cleveland Indians need development. John Gruden has proven that some coaches are better with the "mic" than a Mike Linebacker, and I think Bobby Valentine is baseball's equivalent. 

Normally, I find something suspect with most things written by the biased, Boston based media (imagine Bobby "The Brain" Heenan calling a Hulk Hogan/Ric Flair match circa 1992), but this is Jackie McMullan. Ms. McMullan has infinite credibility and can even hang with these knuckleheads who I can't stop listening to. Oh, and by the way, she is one of nations best journalists. Its becoming obvious that Isiah's talent on the court is slowly becoming overshadowed by the court of public opinion. Larry, Magic, and Michael clearly find issue with him and that is enough for me. 

If you haven't seen this, I probably think something is wrong with you. Beg, borrow, and steal to get a copy. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mark It As True

At some point in my life professional sports became serious business. Big business it is, serious business it is not. Fisher apologized and he shouldn't have. Lets calm down Rocky Top, its just a game. 

Tressel needs to balance winning football games and making good on his promise to develop Pryor into a "NFL ready quarterback." High school coaches need to get ready for the state playoffs and do so silently, although Reitz is on to something. Ohio State should build an offense around Pryor, not build Terelle Pryor into an offense. 

That is all

Eleven draft picks in 2010 that will include some real options at Quarterback.  Ten years later the Cleveland Browns have an opportunity to actually "come back to the NFL." However, the confidence level is low among Browns fans who have yet to see a successful draft. When Jerry Jones took over the Dallas Cowboys he re-built the team through draft picks he received for trading Hershel Walker. One can only hope Lerner, Kokinis, and Mangini see similar success. 

Skib Bayless's book, (don't worry I purchased the book used to ensure not a dime fell into the pocket of the biggest sports journalist -heel of all time). The book tells the tale of the Barry Switzer led Cowboys. Bayless is a great writer, with a knack for story-telling. He details the relationship between Jerry Jones, Jimmy Johnson, and Barry Switzer perfectly. Throw in the biggest circus sports franchise of all time and you get a fascinating book. 
